WLSDM v3.1 is now available. MBean, MBean, MBean…. WebLogic DevOps MBean!
Today is the day of WLSDM again! We have new releases of “WLSDM Core”, “WLSDM SOA Module” and “WLSDM OSB Module”.
Click here for WLSDM v3.1 Release Notes: http://wlsdm.com/download.php#CL_V311
I’d like to share a few highlights about this release. Please follow download URL of WLSDM and install this revolutionary DevOps release. http://www.wlsdm.com/download
If you are having trouble about your WebLogic console and it slows down for any problematic reason, you need to setup a well designed timeout setting between systems. Because your WebLogic console should be responsive, healthy and fast at all the times in any scenario. This product is designed for perfectionist administrators/managers/developers.
Transform all kind of scripts to JMX MBeans
Use Generic DevOps MBean functionality and never miss any detail about WebLogic domain environment. Export the DevOps scripts and share with team members. Do not let valuable scripts have lost in CRON jobs.
This feature is named as DevOps MBean to increase the interactivity between WebLogic domains and deployed applications.
It is possible to monitor i.e. Waiting orders, logged in user count, 3rd party webservice invocation response times… etc.
The left screen capture at below is the script part and the right screen capture is the Output on the assigned custom dashboard. Totally parametric and supports to define custom actions for the assigned threshold.
Step-1 Write Shell Script: Ping database and calculate database respone time using WebLogic API (weblogic.jar)
#Author: WLSDM | 2017#Variables
#0:DB_DOWN,1:DB_UP#start DB Ping
_startTime=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
_pingResult=`java -cp weblogic.jar utils.dbping ORACLE_THIN $YOUR_USER_NAME $YOUR_PASSWORD $YOUR_IP:$YOUR_PORT/$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME`
_endTime=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
_dbResponseTime=`expr $_endTime - $_startTime`if [[ "$_pingResult" == *"Success!!!"* ]]; then
#echo "Database connection SUCCESS!!!"
echo DatabaseStatus=$_dbStatus
#echo "Database connection FAILURE!!!"
echo DatabaseStatus=$_dbStatus
echo DatabaseResponseTime=$_dbResponseTime
Shell Script Output:
Step-2 Use WLSDM Generic DevOps MBean Wizard
“User Defined Generic DevOps MBean” wizard is availabe on “Configuration > Monitoring & Diagnostics” page. List records on “Generic DevOps MBeans” tab and use “New Generic DevOps MBean” button from “Page Operations” menu to open the wizard.

More information about WLSDM DevOps MBean is available on the documentation page: http://wlsdm.com/docs/help#DevOpsMBeans
WLSDM Cloud Support for IaaS, JCS…
We have released tones of features for the cloud based WebLogic environments. WLSDM is one of the best cloud monitoring solution for WebLogic Cloud, JCS…
Check this cloud features:
- File Explorer: Freely surf on your server(s) via web browser: Upload, Download file(s)
- Log Viewer and Tailer
- Garbage Collection Log Viewer, GC Dashboard
- Get profiling dumps and download for local investigation
- JFR (Java Flight Recorder)
- HPROF (Heap Dump)
- WLDF Image (WebLogic Diagnostic Framework)
- CPU Sample (Netbean Profiler — Compatible with JVisualVM, VisualVM)
- Thread Dump (WLSDM Thread Dump Analyzer)
- Custom Script Actions (bash, bat, cmd)
All features are cloud supported and web based. WLSDM did very well on the Oracle Cloud with its web based solutions.
All New Features:
- This a a major release and contains every detail of WebLogic monitoring and management
- Key feature Generic DevOps MBean is published as:
- Add any kind of scripts and tranform them to JMX MBeans then visualize on smart dashboards. Supported scripts: sh, bash, cmd, bat, SQL…
- DevOps script integrations: Custom actions, alarm/threshold settings, reporting…
- Thread Pool monitoring is added to smart dashboards
- Identify HOGGER and STUCK thread on metric dashboards
- View HoggingThreadCount and StuckThreadCount threads on Metric Notification page
- View relevant HOGGER and STUCK log notificaitons on LogInspector
- Browser based WLSDM PUSH NOTIFICATION Service is added for all notification types. Simply click on it and solve the problem
- Notification actions are added to notification pages: View Threads, Go to Smart Dashboard, View Related Logs, Go to Reports…
- Garbage Collection Dashboard is added: Monitoring, Notification, Reporting, GC Log Viewing
- CPU sample (.npss) action is added to system defined actions
- Daily reports tab is added to Monitoring & Diagnostics page
- Back-end Systems Top Events and daily/weekly/monthly reports
- Response Times Top Requests and daily/weekly/monthly reports
- File Explorer: Web based file browser page and upload/download feature is added (CLOUD Feature)
- Custom Log Monitoring: Any type of file and log monitoring is available on LogInspector module
- WebLogic FMW Diagnostics Log and .OUT log monitoring support is added
- Full thread dump generation is added to agentless managed servers
- The whole WebLogic domain WLSDM system settings can be Exported/Imported. Export/Import feature is developed for multiple WLSDM installations with the same standard
- Chart ordering feature is added to smart metric dashboards
- Notification pages linked to every page on Notification dropdown menu
- Refreshing all metric value by one click is added to metric dashboards
- Performance Improvements: Tested on a production WebLogic domain which has more than 40 ADF managed servers successfully. Improved every page of WLSDM and all the heavy pages are loaded under 5 seconds
- UI/UX Improvements: We designed one of the best user interface for WebLogic monitoring by listening our community feedback
WLSDM is sending too many email notifications.(?)
I realized that some users complain about WLSDM notifications. It’s 100% because of weak WebLogic domain management. May be it could be about :)
- You’re having STUCKs/HOGGERs all the times
- You’re restarting WebLogic server(s) all the time for any reason
- You have slow pages
- Your database SQLs are not tuned well
- …and so on…
If you setup WLSDM properly and follow the alerts by resolving the problems; this means you are managing your WebLogic domain very well and you have the real high available and mission critical system.
If you are having trouble about your WebLogic console and it slows down for any problematic reason, you need to setup a well designed timeout setting between systems. Because your WebLogic console should be responsive, healthy and fast at all the times in any scenario. This product is designed for perfectionist administrators/managers/developers.
M.Fevzi Korkutata
Product Manager