WebLogic Health Check Script

Script types and usage

WLSDM for WebLogic
2 min readJan 8, 2018

WLSDM generates a Dynamic MBean instance by using com.wlsdm.genericmbean.DevOpsMBean class and creates / populates its MBean attributes

by user defined script output. All user defined scripts are stored in the WLSDM database and each script works once for each selected server through monitoring frequency.

Each script / SQL statement has its own execution timeout and this value cannot be less than one second or cannot be

more than thirty seconds. (Recommended / Default value is five seconds)Generated DevOps MBean will be assigned to selected smart metric dashboard(s)

on the configuration wizard and chart(s) will be visible on its smart dashboard. These MBean metrics are alive like any other MBean attributes (WebLogic metrics i.e. OpenSocketsCurrentCount).

MBeans are the managed Java objects and they represent Java classes. A Java class cannot contain two or more attributes with the same name.

Script outputs are the source of MBean attributes. There two options to place script outputs in charts.

  1. OS Executables:
OS Executables Scripts
Shell Script

2.SQL Script:

WLSDM SQL Script Defination

Sample SQL Script : Active sessions grouped by machine (Oracle Database)

group by status
order by 1

WLSDM installation takes just minutes and completely free in WebLogic development mode! Try it now.

Download Latest WLSDM for WebLogic 11g and 12c:

Quick Installation Guide: Available in ZIP package as:

Online Documentation: Available in ZIP package as:



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